25 Other Ways to Say “I Enjoyed Your Company”

Jamze Hope

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In a world where genuine connections are increasingly precious, expressing gratitude for shared moments has never been more important. We’ve all uttered the phrase “I enjoyed your company” countless times, but what if we could elevate our appreciation game? This comprehensive guide will explore 25 creative and heartfelt ways to convey that simple yet profound sentiment, helping you forge deeper connections and leave lasting impressions.

Table of Contents

Heartfelt Expressions

When words come straight from the heart, they carry a weight that generic phrases simply can’t match. Here are five expressions that go beyond the usual to convey your sincere appreciation for someone’s company.

1. “Your presence was a breath of fresh air”

This phrase paints a vivid picture of rejuvenation and positivity. It suggests that being around the person was invigorating and uplifting, much like stepping outside and taking a deep breath of crisp, clean air.

Example: After a long day of meetings, Sarah told her friend, “Grabbing coffee with you was exactly what I needed. Your presence was a breath of fresh air.”

2. “Time flew by in your company”

We’ve all heard the saying “time flies when you’re having fun.” This expression taps into that universal experience, indicating that you were so engaged and entertained that you lost track of time.

Example: At the end of a dinner party, the host might say, “I can’t believe it’s already midnight! Time flew by in your company.”

3. “You made every moment count”

"You made every moment count" I enjoy your company

This phrase goes beyond simply enjoying someone’s presence. It suggests that the person actively contributed to making the experience meaningful and memorable.

Example: After a weekend getaway, you might tell your travel companion, “Thanks for such an amazing trip. You made every moment count.”

4. “Your company lifted my spirits”

Sometimes, we don’t realize how much we needed social interaction until we’re in the midst of it. This expression acknowledges the positive impact someone’s presence had on your mood.

Example: After a catch-up call with an old friend, you could say, “I’m so glad we talked. Your company lifted my spirits more than you know.”

5. “I’m already looking forward to our next encounter”

This phrase not only expresses that you enjoyed the current interaction but also conveys enthusiasm for future meetings. It’s a subtle way of saying, “Let’s do this again soon!”

Example: As you’re saying goodbye after a coffee date, you might add, “This was great. I’m already looking forward to our next encounter!”

Playful and Casual Phrases

Sometimes, the situation calls for a more laid-back approach. These expressions maintain the warmth of appreciation while adding a touch of fun and informality.

6. “Hanging out with you is always a blast”

This casual phrase perfectly captures the joy of spending time with someone who makes even ordinary activities fun.

Example: After a simple movie night at home, you might text your friend, “Thanks for coming over. Hanging out with you is always a blast!”

7. “You’re my favorite adventure buddy”

This expression works well for friends who share your love for exploration, whether that’s trying new restaurants or hiking off-the-beaten-path trails.

Example: After a spontaneous road trip, you could tell your friend, “I’m so glad I called you for this. You’re my favorite adventure buddy!”

8. “We make a great team”

"We make a great team" “I Enjoyed Your Company”

This phrase emphasizes the collaborative aspect of your time together, suggesting that you complement each other well.

Example: After successfully assembling a complicated piece of furniture, you might say to your helper, “That was easier than I thought. We make a great team!”

9. “You brought the fun factor”

This expression acknowledges someone’s ability to liven up any situation, making it more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Example: At the end of a family gathering, you could tell your cousin, “I’m so glad you came. You really brought the fun factor to the reunion!”

10. “Let’s do this again soon!”

While not as unique as some other phrases, this classic expression clearly communicates that you enjoyed the experience and want to repeat it.

Example: As you’re leaving a game night, you might say to the host, “This was fantastic. Let’s do this again soon!”

Poetic and Eloquent Ways to Say “I Enjoyed Your Company”

For those moments when you want to express your appreciation with a touch of poetry or sophistication, these phrases offer a more lyrical approach.

11. “Your company was a balm for the soul”

This metaphorical expression suggests that spending time with the person had a healing or soothing effect on your emotional state.

Example: After a heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend, you might say, “Thank you for listening. Your company was a balm for the soul.”

12. “Our time together was pure magic”

This phrase elevates the experience to something almost supernatural, implying that it was extraordinary and enchanting.

Example: Reflecting on a perfect date night, you could tell your partner, “From start to finish, our time together was pure magic.”

13. “You paint my world in brighter colors”

"You paint my world in brighter colors" I Enjoyed Your Company

This poetic expression suggests that the person’s presence makes your life more vibrant and joyful.

Example: In a heartfelt birthday card to a dear friend, you might write, “I’m so grateful for your friendship. You paint my world in brighter colors.”

14. “Your presence is a gift I treasure”

This phrase goes beyond appreciating a single interaction, expressing gratitude for the person’s ongoing presence in your life.

Example: During a toast at a farewell party, you could say, “Working with you has been incredible. Your presence is a gift I’ll always treasure.”

15. “Our shared moments are pearls in life’s necklace”

This metaphorical expression likens your experiences together to precious gems, emphasizing their value and beauty.

Example: In a wedding speech for your best friend, you might say, “All our shared moments are pearls in life’s necklace, and I can’t wait to add more.”

Appreciative Acknowledgments

Sometimes, the best way to express gratitude is to specifically acknowledge how someone’s presence enhanced your experience or impacted you personally.

16. “Thanks for making ordinary moments extraordinary”

This phrase recognizes the person’s ability to elevate even mundane experiences into something special.

Example: After a simple picnic in the park, you could tell your companion, “I had a wonderful time. Thanks for making ordinary moments extraordinary.”

17. “Your energy is contagious in the best way”

This expression acknowledges the positive impact of someone’s enthusiasm or mood on those around them.

Example: After a productive brainstorming session, you might tell a colleague, “Great ideas today! Your energy is contagious in the best way.”

18. “I’m grateful for the laughter we shared”

"I'm grateful for the laughter we shared" I Enjoyed Your Company

Laughter is often the best indicator of a good time. This phrase specifically highlights those joyful moments.

Example: Wrapping up a comedy show outing, you could say to your friend, “That was hilarious. I’m grateful for all the laughter we shared tonight.”

19. “You brought out the best in me”

This powerful acknowledgment recognizes how someone’s presence or interaction positively influenced your own behavior or mood.

Example: After a successful presentation, you might tell your supportive colleague, “I couldn’t have done it without you. You really brought out the best in me.”

20. “I Enjoyed Your Company; It Was the Highlight of My Week”

This expression puts the time spent together in a broader context, emphasizing its significance among all your recent experiences.

Example: At the end of a catch-up dinner, you could tell an old friend, “This was fantastic. Your company was the highlight of my week.”

Cultural and Idiomatic Expressions

Every culture has its own unique ways of expressing appreciation. Here are some culturally-specific or idiomatic phrases that convey enjoyment of someone’s company.

21. “You’re good people” (American slang)

This casual American expression is a warm way of saying that someone is kind, genuine, and enjoyable to be around.

Example: After being welcomed into a friend’s home for dinner, you might say, “Thanks for having me over. You’re good people.”

22. “Spending time with you is my cup of tea” (British)

This British idiom indicates that you find someone’s company particularly pleasing or suited to your tastes.

Example: After a delightful afternoon of conversation, you could tell your friend, “We must do this more often. Spending time with you is my cup of tea.”

23. “You’re a real gem” (Australian)

"You're a real gem" “I Enjoyed Your Company”

This Australian expression likens the person to a precious stone, indicating that they are valuable and rare.

Example: At the end of a helpful mentoring session, you might tell your mentor, “I really appreciate your guidance. You’re a real gem.”

24. “Your company was the cherry on top” (Universal)

This widely-used idiom suggests that someone’s presence made an already good experience even better.

Example: After a fun group outing, you could tell one particularly entertaining friend, “The whole day was great, but your company was the cherry on top.”

25. “You’re a kindred spirit” (Literary reference)

Originating from “Anne of Green Gables,” this phrase suggests a deep connection or similarity in outlook, perfect for expressing appreciation to someone who truly understands you.

Example: After a deep conversation about shared passions, you might say, “I’m so glad we met. You’re truly a kindred spirit.”

Tips for Genuine Expression

Tips for Genuine Expression“ to say I Enjoyed Your Company”

While having a repertoire of phrases is helpful, the key to meaningful expression lies in sincerity and personalization. Here are some tips to ensure your words of appreciation truly resonate:

  1. Be specific: Instead of general compliments, mention particular moments or qualities you appreciated. For example, “I loved how you always had a funny story to lighten the mood.”
  2. Use body language: Your facial expressions and tone of voice can amplify your words. Make eye contact, smile, and speak warmly to convey genuine appreciation.
  3. Follow up with action: Words are powerful, but actions speak volumes. Follow up your expressions of appreciation with invitations for future get-togethers or small gestures of kindness.
  4. Tailor your expression: Choose phrases that match the person’s personality and your relationship. A poetic expression might be perfect for a romantic partner but feel out of place with a casual acquaintance.
  5. Be timely: While it’s never too late to express appreciation, try to share your feelings soon after the interaction when the experience is fresh in both your minds.

The Impact of Heartfelt Appreciation: How Saying “I Enjoyed Your Company” Strengthens Connections

Expressing genuine appreciation for someone’s company goes beyond mere politeness. It can have profound effects on both the giver and receiver:

  • Strengthens relationships: Regularly expressing appreciation can deepen bonds and foster closer connections.
  • Boosts mood: Both giving and receiving appreciation can increase feelings of happiness and well-being.
  • Encourages reciprocity: When you express appreciation, others are more likely to do the same, creating a positive cycle.
  • Enhances self-esteem: Knowing that your presence is valued can boost confidence and self-worth.
  • Creates memorable moments: A heartfelt expression of appreciation can become a cherished memory in itself.


In a world where digital interactions often overshadow face-to-face connections, the art of expressing appreciation for someone’s company becomes even more valuable. By expanding your vocabulary beyond the standard “I enjoyed your company,” you open up new ways to convey the impact others have on your life.

Remember, the most important aspect isn’t the exact words you use, but the sincerity behind them. Whether you say, “I enjoyed your company; it’s always a blast hanging out with you,” or choose a more poetic approach like, “Our shared moments are pearls in life’s necklace,” what truly matters is that your appreciation comes from the heart.

So the next time you cherish moments spent with someone, don’t hesitate to tell them. Your words could highlight their day, week, or even year. After all, in the grand tapestry of life, it’s these expressions of mutual appreciation, like saying “Enjoyed Your Company,” that weave the strongest, most colorful threads.

By using these varied expressions in your social interactions, you’ll convey appreciation more effectively and create meaningful, memorable connections with the people around you. So, embrace the moment, treasure the time spent together, and let others know how much you enjoyed their company. Life is too short not to celebrate the joy that comes with good company, so don’t hold back in expressing how much you valued it.

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