35 idioms for Excitement

Andrew charles

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40 metaphors for excitement

Excitement is a powerful emotion that can be best expressed using idioms and metaphors. In this article, we will explore 35 idioms for excitement that will help you communicate the joy, enthusiasm, and energy you feel during thrilling moments. These 35 idioms for excitement come in various forms and meanings, from comparing your excitement to a bursting balloon to feeling like a child at Christmas.

Whether you’re describing your feelings of joy, thrill, or anticipation, using these idioms for excitement will make your language vivid and engaging. So, let’s dive in and learn how to express excitement with these colorful similes and metaphors!

How to Express Excitement with Similes and Idioms

When you’re feeling the rush of excitement, using idioms is a great way to convey your emotions. The 35 idioms for excitement we’re about to explore will make your language come alive. Whether you’re bubbling with joy or feeling like you’ve just won the jackpot, these idioms will add flair to your expressions. With these excited similes and idioms, you’ll easily communicate the thrill and happiness you’re experiencing.

How to Express Excitement with Similes and Idioms

1. As happy as a clam

  • Meaning: Pleased and content.
  • In a sentence: After the surprise announcement, Lisa was as happy as a clam.
  • Other ways to say: As pleased as punch, as happy as a lark.

2. Like a kid in a candy store

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and delighted.
  • In a sentence: When Mark saw the new video games, he was like a kid in a candy store.
  • Other ways to say: Like a child at Christmas, like a pig in clover.

3. Bursting like fireworks

  • Meaning: Overflowing with excitement and energy.
  • In a sentence: The team was bursting like fireworks when they scored the final goal.
  • Other ways to say: Overflowing like a fountain, bubbling like a pot of boiling water.

4. As thrilled as a lottery winner

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and fortunate.
  • In a sentence: When Anna got the job offer, she was as thrilled as a lottery winner.
  • Other ways to say: As delighted as a new parent, as overjoyed as a birthday celebrant.

5. Like a bolt of lightning

  • Meaning: Experiencing sudden and intense excitement.
  • In a sentence: She felt like a bolt of lightning when she found out she was promoted.
  • Other ways to say: Like a jolt of electricity, like a flash of light.

6. As eager as a beaver

  • Meaning: Feeling very enthusiastic and eager to begin.
  • In a sentence: He was as eager as a beaver to start the new project.
  • Other ways to say: As keen as mustard, as excited as a puppy.
Like a bolt of lightning

7. Like a roller coaster ride

  • Meaning: Experiencing a thrilling and exhilarating sensation.
  • In a sentence: The whole experience was like a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs.
  • Other ways to say: Like a wild ride, like a whirlwind adventure.

8. As pumped up as a balloon

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and energized.
  • In a sentence: Before the big presentation, Sarah was as pumped up as a balloon.
  • Other ways to say: As hyped as a party, as charged as a battery.

9. Like a firework exploding

  • Meaning: Experiencing sudden and intense excitement.
  • In a sentence: When the concert started, the crowd was like fireworks exploding.
  • Other ways to say: Like a volcano erupting, like a burst of energy.

10. As giddy as a schoolgirl

  • Meaning: Feeling dizzyingly excited and happy.
  • In a sentence: When he asked her out, she was as giddy as a schoolgirl.
  • Other ways to say: As light as a feather, as merry as a cricket.

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11. Like a jump in the air

  • Meaning: Feeling excited and elated.
  • In a sentence: After hearing the good news, she was like a jump in the air.
  • Other ways to say: Like a skip in the step, like a leap of excitement.

12. As enthusiastic as a cheerleader

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and supportive.
  • In a sentence: He was as enthusiastic as a cheerleader when his team won.
  • Other ways to say: As spirited as a sports fan, as zealous as a supporter.
As enthusiastic as a cheerleader

13. Like a treasure found

  • Meaning: Feeling thrilled and delighted as if discovering something valuable.
  • In a sentence: When they found the rare book, it felt like a treasure found.
  • Other ways to say: Like a gem uncovered, like a gold mine discovered.

14. As high as a kite

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and elated.
  • In a sentence: After the wedding proposal, she was as high as a kite.
  • Other ways to say: As elevated as a bird, as soaring as an eagle.

15. Like a burst of sunshine

  • Meaning: Experiencing sudden and intense happiness and excitement.
  • In a sentence: When she got her dream job, it felt like a burst of sunshine.
  • Other ways to say: Like a ray of light, like a beam of happiness.

16. As bubbly as soda

  • Meaning: Feeling excited and lively.
  • In a sentence: At the party, she was as bubbly as soda, chatting with everyone.
  • Other ways to say: As effervescent as champagne, as fizzy as a soda pop.

17. Like a wave of joy

  • Meaning: Experiencing a sudden and overwhelming feeling of happiness
  • .In a sentence: When the announcement was made, the room was like a wave of joy.
  • Other ways to say: Like a flood of happiness, like a surge of excitement.

18. As radiant as the sun

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and glowing with excitement.
  • In a sentence: After the proposal, she was as radiant as the sun.
  • Other ways to say: As bright as a star, as gleaming as a diamond.
Like a wave of joy

19. Like a party popper

  • Meaning: Feeling excited and bursting with energy.
  • In a sentence: The announcement was like a party popper exploding in joy.
  • Other ways to say: Like a celebration, like a burst of joy.

20. As electrifying as lightning

  • Meaning: Feeling intense excitement and energy.
  • In a sentence: The music at the concert was as electrifying as lightning.
  • Other ways to say: As thrilling as thunder, as shocking as electricity.

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21. Like a jump for joy

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and enthusiastic.
  • In a sentence: The team was like a jump for joy after winning the tournament.
  • Other ways to say: Like a dance of delight, like a hop of happiness.

22. As lively as a dance party

  • Meaning: Feeling energetic and excited.
  • In a sentence: The celebration was as lively as a dance party.
  • Other ways to say: As vibrant as a carnival, as bustling as a marketplace.

23. Like a jackpot win

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely lucky and excited.
  • In a sentence: When they got the grant, it felt like a jackpot win.
  • Other ways to say: Like a stroke of luck, like hitting the lottery.

24. As gleeful as a child on Christmas morning

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and excited.
  • In a sentence: The kids were as gleeful as children on Christmas morning.
  • Other ways to say: As joyful as a holiday, as merry as a celebration.
Like a jackpot win

25. Like finding a pot of gold

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely fortunate and excited.
  • In a sentence: When they found the hidden treasure, it felt like finding a pot of gold.
  • Other ways to say: Like striking gold, like winning the lottery.

26. As excited as a dog with a new bone

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely thrilled and happy.
  • In a sentence: He was as excited as a dog with a new bone when he received his promotion.
  • Other ways to say: As happy as a dog, as eager as a hound.

27. Like a balloon ready to pop

  • Meaning: Feeling so excited that you’re about to burst.
  • In a sentence: She was like a balloon ready to pop after hearing the good news.
  • Other ways to say: Like a cork in a bottle, like a bubble about to burst.

28. As thrilled as a bird in spring

  • Meaning: Feeling joyful and excited as the seasons change.
  • In a sentence: The children were as thrilled as birds in spring, anticipating the holidays.
  • Other ways to say: As happy as a lark, as joyous as a songbird.

29. Like a spark igniting

  • Meaning: Experiencing sudden excitement that grows rapidly.
  • In a sentence: His passion for the project was like a spark igniting.
  • Other ways to say: Like a wildfire spreading, like a fire catching.

30. As overjoyed as a child with a new toy

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely delighted and excited.
  • In a sentence: When she received the promotion, she was as overjoyed as a child with a new toy.
  • Other ways to say: As happy as a clam, as delighted as a kid at Christmas.

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31. Like a horse out of the gate

  • Meaning: Feeling eager and ready to start something exciting.
  • In a sentence: He was like a horse out of the gate when it was time for the race.
  • Other ways to say: Like a runner on the starting line, like a sprinter ready to go.

32. As excited as a cat on a hot tin roof

  • Meaning: Feeling restless and unable to stay calm due to excitement.
  • In a sentence: Before the concert, he was as excited as a cat on a hot tin roof.
  • Other ways to say: As jumpy as a frog, as fidgety as a squirrel.

33. Like a jug of lemonade on a hot day

  • Meaning: Feeling refreshed and excited in an uplifting situation.
  • In a sentence: The news about the vacation felt like a jug of lemonade on a hot day.
  • Other ways to say: Like a cool breeze, like a dip in the pool.

34. As tickled as a fancy

  • Meaning: Feeling delighted and amused.
  • In a sentence: She was as tickled as a fancy when she heard the surprise announcement.
  • Other ways to say: As delighted as a butterfly, as pleased as punch.

35. Like a kid on Christmas morning

  • Meaning: Feeling extremely excited and happy.
  • In a sentence: He was like a kid on Christmas morning when he saw his birthday gift.
  • Other ways to say: Like a child at play, as happy as a clam.


  1. After hearing the good news, she was as ___________ as a ___________.
  2. The moment he saw his gift, he felt like a ___________ ___________.
  3. When the surprise was revealed, the audience was ___________ like ___________.
  4. She felt ___________ as a ___________ after receiving the award.
  5. The kids were as ___________ as a ___________ on Christmas morning.
  6. When they announced the concert, the crowd was ___________ like ___________.
  7. After the proposal, she was as ___________ as a ___________.
  8. When he was selected, he felt like a ___________ ___________.
  9. She was as ___________ as a ___________ before the performance.
  10. After the big win, we were all as ___________ as a ___________.
  11. The team was ___________ like ___________ after the victory.
  12. He was as ___________ as a ___________ when he met his idol.
  13. When the movie ended, I felt like a ___________ ___________.
  14. Before the match, the players were as ___________ as a ___________.
  15. When they got the good news, they felt ___________ like a ___________.


  1. eager, beaver
  2. jackpot win
  3. bubbling, soda
  4. radiant, sun
  5. gleeful, child
  6. bursting, fireworks
  7. high, kite
  8. treasure found
  9. pumped up, balloon
  10. electrifying, lightning
  11. bubbling, soda
  12. as giddy, schoolgirl
  13. wave of joy
  14. like a roller coaster ride
  15. as lively as a dance party


In conclusion, 35 idioms for excitement offer a variety of ways to describe the many emotions tied to joy, enthusiasm, and exhilaration. By using these idioms, you can communicate your excitement more effectively and make your expressions more colorful.

Whether you’re feeling as happy as a clam or as bursting like fireworks, these expressions bring energy and vibrancy to your speech and writing. So, the next time you find yourself excited, don’t forget to reach for these excited similes to capture your feelings in the most vivid way

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